Tuesday 28 January 2014

Happy barfday!

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to Xiaoshe,
Happy Birthday to me!

Just to be clear, it was entirely coincidental that I decided to begin a blog on the same day I reached the tender age of 22. I have no skills whatsoever in anything related to making things sound eloquent, funny, clever, or inspiring.
But we'll have a go. Nothing Xiao stop me now.

So my day so far...

Being 22 began with a few mumblings of the Happy Birthday song from Matt in the early hours of the morning whilst we both woke slightly as the other person rolled over and stole the duvet. This happens about 10,000 times a night normally, just today I got sang to each time.

Oh and this is Matt,

He just loves Breaking Bad.

This is what he looks like at other times.

Then I went to an HIV clinic! 
I should probably say at this point that I am a medical student, and am currently on my genito-urinary medicine rotation - first day in fact! (What a Birthday treat). It was not very exciting, but I learned lots and came away HIV-free.

In the evening I had a special treat. My parents took Matt and I to Simpsons, which is Michelin star restaurant in Edgbaston. Website can be found here: http://www.simpsonsrestaurant.co.uk

We were treated to a delicious 7 course tasting menu, and the food was delicious. Everything was extremely well thought out and I regret to say that we did not take any pictures of the food because it would have been embarrassing.

Finished eating close to midnight, and I was tucked up in bed in my new bunny outfit (birthday present from Matt) as the clock struck midnight and I was officially 22 and old. I could almost feel the first neurone dying in my brain, as I begin this steady decline towards death.

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